Many people like to visit Cat Island for a day of fishing and picnicking, but also they are many who like to camp out for several days as it is a beautiful spot. Many people do not know this there is a house on Cat Island that you can rent it will sleep up to 12 people, but they actually recommend only ten. The house is a private residence it has, two master suites , a loft and a large living area with kitchen.
The island has some of the best fishing you can find around this area, probably in the whole state. It is famous for redfish, speckled trout, and also flounder you may fish for them whenever and however you want to. Many people say this is the best fishing spots in the whole world that I will leave up to you to determine after your visit. It is also known for other species of fish, such as white trout, black drum and sharks. So if you're looking for a unique vacation you might want to try Cat Island.