Friday, September 16, 2011

Credit Card Suprise

After enjoying your exotic vacation on your dream island in the Caribbean or the South China Sea you have returned home and are reviewing your expenses. This is the time that you discover " the credit card surprise."

While reviewing your credit card statement you noticed several surcharges for purchases while you are abroad. This is just another way a credit card company that rips you off. They have added a 2% fee for foreign transactions. This is a fee that is charged to you for doing absolutely nothing. One way to combat these fees is use your debit card whenever possible your exchange rate will probably be better and the fees are much smaller. You might also want to take a certain amount of cash with you on your vacation. When carrying cash just be sure to be aware of your surroundings and safeguard your belongings at all times. If your credit card fees seem to be extremely high and their are a lot of add on fees you might want to consider canceling this card and obtain a better one.